When the desired note is to the right of the indicator, it means the <b>pitch is too low</b>, and you need to <b>tune up</b>:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
When the desired note is to the left of the indicator, it means the <b>pitch is too high</b>, and you need to <b>tune down</b>:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
Now you can <b>fine-tune using the Strobe view</b>, but you have already achieved very good precision:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
To adjust the octave, use the upper buttons. To change the desired note by a halftone, use the lower buttons. The current note is displayed in the middle of the screen:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
To select a note within the same octave, simply touch it:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
If the pattern moves to the left, it indicates that the <b>pitch is too low</b>, and you need to <b>tune up</b>:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
If the pattern moves to the right, it indicates that the <b>pitch is too high</b>, and you need to <b>tune down</b>:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
If the pattern remains still, the string is in tune:
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
New guitar tunings: 12-string guitar, Pedal Steel Guitar E9th.
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks