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Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
<b>Attention!</b> This alternate tuning <b>may need non-standard strings</b>.
Please use only if you know what you are doing, otherwise you are at risk of breaking a string.
Multiple failing checks
The translations in several languages have failing checks
A<sub><small>4</small></sub> frequency (default 440 Hz)
Adjust A<sub><small>4</small></sub> temporarily (in cents)
Upgrade for a better-looking interface and additional features
The trial period has ended and some features have been disabled. Don\'t worry, the tuning accuracy remains the same - but with the Premium version you get more.
Tuning in noisy conditions
The tuner always performs noise cancellation. This switch turns on additional algorithms that remove more noise but may cause an increase in latency.
Some people are sensitive to blinking patterns. If that\'s your case, you can turn off the Strobe fine tuning here.