Component Strings Words Needs editing Checks Suggestions Comments
Description 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Translate
Help 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Translate
User Interface 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Translate
Project website
Translation license CC0
Number of strings 15436
Number of words 118388
Number of characters 735930
Number of languages 34
Number of source strings 454
Number of source words 3482
Number of source characters 21645
When User Action Detail Object
a month ago user Resource update Guitar and Violin Tuner/Help - Chinese (Simplified)
a month ago user Resource update Guitar and Violin Tuner/Help - Chinese (Simplified)
a month ago user Resource update Guitar and Violin Tuner/Help - Chinese (Simplified)
2 months ago user Committed changes Guitar and Violin Tuner/Help - Chinese (Simplified)
2 months ago user Committed changes Guitar and Violin Tuner/User Interface - Chinese (Simplified)
2 months ago mikeho New translation Guitar and Violin Tuner/User Interface - Chinese (Simplified)
注意:如果您反覆遇到此对话方块,请到手机的设定,找到闪频式调音器专业版,重置其许可权限,并重新启动调谐器。 您应该会看到要求授予麦克风许可权的提示,请您允许授权。
2 months ago mikeho New translation Guitar and Violin Tuner/User Interface - Chinese (Simplified)
注意:如果您反覆遇到此对话方块,请到手机的设定,找到Tuneo,重置其许可权限,并重新启动调谐器。 您应该会看到要求授予麦克风许可权的提示,请您允许授权。
2 months ago mikeho New translation Guitar and Violin Tuner/User Interface - Chinese (Simplified)
2 months ago mikeho New translation Guitar and Violin Tuner/User Interface - Chinese (Simplified)
2 months ago mikeho New translation Guitar and Violin Tuner/User Interface - Chinese (Simplified)
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